So it has been a while since I put up a blog post. This has been due to being rather busy with work and other such things but I have been keeping up with my Kayla exercises and healthy eating and I am really starting to see a change. I will be resuming blogging as […]
Healthy Meatballs!
So, I’ve been rather busy lately hence the SEVERE lack of posts! Not only was it my birthday but we moved flat as well, such a nightmare! I’ve been absolutely wiped the past few weeks but I managed to finish BBG 1! Tomorrow I start BBG 2, so happy and rather nervous as well! Will […]
Week 10 Struggles!
So having got through the start of the last difficult 4 weeks, I got to Week 10 and disaster struck. My monthly woman time started, I felt sluggish and horrible and not at all motivated to workout. I did a couple of cardio sessions but the resistance sessions went out the window, then it happened the […]
Chicken Pesto with Pasta and Vegetables
My colleague bought in a pesto dish last week and the smell made me have massive pesto cravings hence why I created this recipe at the weekend. Easy to make and delicious to eat, I could eat this all day everyday! Ingredients – makes 5 lunches 250g Wholemeal Fusilli Pasta 400g Chicken Breasts Fillets Sacla […]